Sunday 31 July 2016

dotorio apk 1

dotorio apk 1

category :Arcade
reviews : 28 ratings
 Generate apk
Downloads : 100 - 500
date Published :July 30, 2016
fileSize : 38M
Price :0

description :
Simple One touch Manipulation! Various Stages!Red-hatted Dotorio Wanders the Maze in Search for the Golden Acorns.Dotorio is a fun game gathering
acorns in the maze, escaping to the exit.How to play this game is simple. Touch the screen and exit through the right path after avoiding obstacles and the monks.If you catch all the acorns and the green bugs,the exit will open.From the simplest stages to the challenging stages with various gadgets, 122 various stages await you.Explore the game with Dotorio!