Friday, 25 November 2016


Tumblr APK

Tumblr APK
Update your blogs from anywhere with Tumblr APK that you are able to download. With this app, you are able to share your text, article, video, photos, audio, and many more just from your android device. It is easy to use; you are get clear dashboard view and integrated with you Twitter account. You can get the latest activity notification from your blog, and get push notification from re-blogs, like, replies, and new blog followers. Your dashboard is the important parts from your android apps.
This scrollable timeline allows you to see the latest tumbler feed posts, from people you are following, the re-blog, and post from someone you following. The twitter integration make you are able to post to your Twitter account simultaneously. The user interface from this Tumblr inspired from iPhone app that offer quick and easy post with few clicks that make you able to add post directly from android. You are able to add text, post your photos, taken phone camera photo, or insert video capture in your device even upload recorded audio to your blog.
Just like your Twitter account, this tumblr is micro blogging services that make you able to post your thought and your interest from tags, re-blogging from others that you are following and add commentary from your own. Your followers are able to check your updates blog and see from your dashboard in other people you are following. They understood that some blog that you follow are crucial to know the updates, therefore, the “get notification” menu will give you any notification from blog updates. All you need to do is from your dashboard and you can filter the result and sort to your favorite filter. The app provide full text blog search and this is excellent experience with blogging.
Features of Tumblr APK for Android
  • Whatever you’re into, people are making and sharing stuff about it on their Tumblrs.
  • They’re posting photos, GIFs, text, videos, audio, anything. Passion takes many forms on Tumblr.
  • Follow artists, musicians, comedians, designers, thinkers, scientists, publications, architects, firemen—you know, interesting people. All the interesting people are here.

Download HERE

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